SHILLONG, AUG 10: Missionary church youths on Monday alleged that the Dr H Gordon Roberts Hospital medical superintendent Dr David D Tariang and account officer KT Rynjah are involved in ‘inflating their owns’ salaries (self- increment)’ without the consent and approval of the church apex body.
The youths sought removal of Dr Tariang and Rynjah for lack of transparency and accountability in their functioning.
The decision to expose the anomalies was also taken after the KJPA authority failed to address the issue even after remedial measures were sought by them for the past one and a half year.
“The medical superintendent and administrative officer have been increasing their own salaries without approval of Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly (KJPA), which is an apex body” Ricky Cooper Pathaw and Kitboklang Nongphlang, youths of the church told reporters at a news conference.
According to them, such practice is against and is in violation of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Rules and Regulation of Dr H Gordon Roberts Presbyterian Hospital Association.
While Dr David D Tariang was appointed as the Medical Superintendent on February 21, 2006, KT Rynjah was appointed as the Administrative Officer on April 30, 2009.
As per letter of March 29, 2011 issued by the KPJA Senior Administrative Secretary Rev Dr JF Jyrwa, it is informed that the Assembly decided to enhance the Charge Allowance of the Medical Superintendent from Rs 14, 000 to Rs 22, 000 while for the Administrative Officer, the payment will be Rs 20, 000 with effect from March 2011, they said while substantiating their claims by displaying documents.
However, it is alleged that on April 4, 2013, Dr DD Tariang issued an office order stating, “Approval is hereby accorded to the Charge Allowance of Dr DD Tariang, Medical Superintendent, Dr HGR Hospital at Rs 65, 000 with effect from April 1, 2013. The expenditure is debitable to the head of account “Salary”.”
“In total, Dr Tariang alone is drawing a salary of up to Rs 1.70 lakh,” Pathaw and Nongphlang alleged adding “While Rynjah, the administrative officer is drawing an inflated salary of Rs 30, 000 from the Rs 20, 000 fixed by the KJPA which total is Rs 50, 000, a month.”
It is also alleged that Rynjah is a retired government engineer of the PWD department.
Alleging that this in violation of the rules of the hospital, they said, “Rule-I (1) clearly stated that the overall control, management and administration of the Hospital vest in the KJPA.”
“As per Rule-I (5) (General Management) of the Rules and Regulation of Dr H Gordon Roberts Presbyterian Hospital Association, the power to appoint and remove the Medical Superintendent and the Administrative Officer shall vest with the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Assembly (KJPA). This power shall include the power to fix their pay either on regular pay scale or contract basis from time to time,” Pathaw and Nongphlang said.
Meanwhile, the youths also alleged that the two officials are sanctioning loans for themselves without the approval of the KJPA. According to them, as per rule, Rs 30, 000 was issued as loan to the staffs of the hospital.
“However, as per documents, Dr Tariang have sanctioned personal loan of Rs 3 lakh in May 2012, to be recovered in 12 equal installments. But interestingly, as per sanction order, it was stated that the expenditure is debitable to the head of account – “Upkeep A/C”,” they said adding “Another loan of Rs 4.75 lakh sanctioned in December 2012.”
The youths sought clarification from the KJPA why was such practices allowed without adhering to the MOA. “We also want that such officials should be change,” they said.
Earlier, these youths had also filed an RTI with the hospital authority but were refused information citing that the hospital does not falls under the ambit of the RTI Act.- By Our Reporter
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