TURA, DEC 16: The much awaited Ahaia winter festival kick-started on Tuesday with a mega carnival, which showcased the vibrant culture, unity of religion and celebration of life.The carnival was flagged off by chief secretary Barkos Warjri in presence of principal secretary RK Mishra and West Garo hills deputy commissioner Pravin Bakshi from Chandmari playground.
The carnival passed through the main thoroughfare of the town and culminated at Dikki Bandi stadium at Dakopgre.
The carnival was led by “Cariz Dreamz”, and this year’s Ahaia theme is “celebrating life”. The contingent had beautiful dancing belles and the drummers all dressed in Venetian masks, fancy headgear and colourful costumes, which won the accolades and adjusted the winner of the carnival.

The caring father’s foundation propagated the message of peace among all communities, while the Kramcheng socio-cultural club displayed unity of all religion with showcase of Hindus, Sikh, Christian and Islam at a single platform.
Among other tableaux, which displayed the rich rendition of the Garo society there was a tableau which propagated the message of apiculture by the Integrated Basin Development and Livelihood Promotion Programme.
The four days festival was inaugurated at Dikki Bandi Stadium by Meghalaya youth and sports affairs minister Zenith Sangma in presence of parliamentary secretary Noverfield Marak, Bajengdoba legislator Brigady Marak and other government officials and dignitaries.
Speaking at the inauguration, the minister informed that the government intends to take the festivals of Garo hills to a much bigger level. He said, “The festival demonstrates cultural heritage and tradition and vis-à-vis creates a platform for the people to showcase their talents”.
Mooting that aggressive marketing and promotion of Garo hills is the need of the hour, the minister said, “Efforts are on to promote Garo Hills as winter destination, which will boost the tourism potential”.
Stating that government’s programmes were aimed at uplifting the socio-economic condition of the people, the minister said, “The growth of the people will ensure actual development of the region”. He was of the view that everyone should take the opportunity of government initiative and make contribution for a better Meghalaya.
Highlight the recent natural calamities, which caused havoc in Garo hills, Meghalaya chief secretary Barkos Warjri said, “It is a sign that people cannot be put down. It ensures that people have faith and hope in moving forward to celebrate life”.
Speaking at length about innovation as key ingredient for development, Warjri expressed happiness that people have come forward to showcase their products and their entrepreneurial activities.
“The people of Garo Hills should make best use of their natural resources for a holistic human development”, said R K Mishra, principal secretary appreciating the manner in which the festival kicked off at Tura.
West Garo hills deputy commissioner Pravin Bakshi said the festival will send a message of peace, tranquility and fortitude”.- From Our Correspondent
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