Assembly building

State Parliamentary Affairs minister, Prestone Tynsong moving a  resolution empowering the HPC on site selection & construction of the new Assembly complex on Wednesday (TM)SHILLONG, APRIL 10: The Meghalaya Assembly on Wednesday resolved to empower the High Power Committee to select the most suitable site and take all necessary steps for the expeditious construction of the much-awaited new building of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly.

Moving the resolution, parliamentary affairs minister Prestone Tynsong said the newly constituted High Power Committee in its last meeting had proposed to recommend to the House to empower the committee to select the site and decide on the construction of building of the Assembly building.

The Assembly does not have a permanent building since the old building was destroyed in a fire way back in 2001. In 2004, the Assembly had resolved to construct the new building either at the old site or any other suitable place within the vicinity of Shillong city.

Earlier, senior leader from the Garo Hills and former chief minister Salseng C Marak lamented that the new building is taking far too long to be constructed and it was high time the state had its own Assembly building. He urged the committee to speed up the finalization of the site. (By Our Reporter)

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  1. 1

    Committees galore, just a waste of public money…They plan everything behind the peoples back…and they dare not implement …They implement what benefits the rich businessmen, who shares their loot…even the ILP, how much was spent and a waste of 2-3 months and the dictator refuses….What about the Jailbreak Commission? when are they bringing out the report…If they don’t they better hand a copy of the report to the public…enough of dictatorship…

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